S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency is a leading provider of investigations and surveillance services in Romania, member of the W.A.D., I.K.D., P.D.P.R. and A.N.D.R. If you have a problem and consider contacting a private detective, then we can offer a variety of techniques and strategies to reach the solution you need and to convince you of our total support, we provide free consultancy. www.spiadetectiv.com
Romania Tech Nation Bucharest 2019 organized by National Council of SMEs in Romania (CNIPMMR) and BCR, an event held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis.October 8, 2019 in the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania
Irimia George and Irimia Mario Costin participate to the Romania Tech Nation Bucharest 2019 organized by National Council of SMEs in Romania...
Pentru rezolvarea problemelor tale, apeleaza la detectivii particulari ai Agentiei S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency. Te-ai g...
Secret Private Investigations Agency participated to Corporate Compliance Conference in Bucharest, Romania hosted by: TRACE...