
Secret Private Investigations Agency ofera servicii profesionale de investigatii si supraveghere in Romania.

S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency ofera servicii profesionale de investigatii si supraveghere in Romania.

Inselaciune (atat intre parteneri de afaceri cat si intre parteneri de cuplu), infidelitate, investigatii prenuptiale.
Cautare de informatii (stare civila, identificari de adrese, identificarea bunurilor care fac obiectul unor litigii de natura penala sau civila, etc ).
Investigatii frauda companii, economice, C.V. angajati.
Supraveghere persoane, filaj harture sexuala.
Protectie informativa, etc.
Va invit sa ne contactati:

S.P.I.A. Romania

Telefon: +40 770 394 204 / +40 722 940 948
E-mail: office@spiadetectiv.ro

Do you have doubts about your business partners? SPIA Agency Detective in Romania offers you confidential advice!

Our highly trained investigators of S.P.I.A. Detectiv Agency offer confidential advice whilst carrying out each operation with the maximum level of discreetness and professionalism throughout.

If you will like a free consulting with an operative to discuss with a private investigators please don't hesitate to contact SPIA today.

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Irimia George with detective colleagues from different countries in 2013

The CEO and Co-founder of S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency,

Mr. Irimia George with very good detective professionals colleagues from different countries.

S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency 

Adresa: Str. Lt. Popescu Alexandru, nr. 3-11, sector 3, cod. 032577
Bucuresti - Romania 

CEO si Co-fondator - Irimia George 

General Manager si Co-fondator - Porceanu Marius

E-mail: office@spiadetectiv.ro

Telefon: +40 770 394 204 

              +40 722 940 948

Website: www.spiadetectiv.ro  


Romania Tech Nation Bucharest 2019 organized by National Council of SMEs in Romania (CNIPMMR) and BCR, an event held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis.October 8, 2019 in the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania

Irimia George and Irimia Mario Costin participate to the Romania Tech Nation Bucharest 2019 organized by National Council of SMEs in Romania...