Irimia George private detective CEO, representative of the Private Detective Agency, S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency, participated with other members of the Private Detective Patronage Association (PDPR) in Romania to set up the agenda for 2019.
Irimia George CEO of Private Detective Agency S.P.I.A. and Porceanu Marius, Private Investigator, General Manager sponsored the General Assembly in Iasi in January 2019 of the Private Detective Patronage Association in Romania.
PDPR the Patronage of private detectives in Romania directly supports the interests of its members by providing services, facilities, providing information and specialist assistance.
SPIA Agency is sponsor of PDPR the Patronage of private detectives in Romania
S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency member of PDPR
Irimia George CEO detectiv particular, reprezentant al Agentiei de detectivi particulari S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency, a participat alaturi de ceilalti membrii ai Patronatului Detectivilor Particulari (PDPR) din Romania la Iasi pentru a stabili agenda pentru anul 2019.
Irimia George CEO of Private Detective Agency S.P.I.A. and Porceanu Marius, Private Investigator, General Manager sponsored the General Assembly in Iasi in January 2019 of the Private Detective Patronage Association in Romania.
PDPR the Patronage of private detectives in Romania directly supports the interests of its members by providing services, facilities, providing information and specialist assistance.
SPIA Agency is sponsor of PDPR the Patronage of private detectives in Romania
S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency member of PDPR
Irimia George CEO detectiv particular, reprezentant al Agentiei de detectivi particulari S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency, a participat alaturi de ceilalti membrii ai Patronatului Detectivilor Particulari (PDPR) din Romania la Iasi pentru a stabili agenda pentru anul 2019.
Irimia George CEO al Agentiei de detectivi particulari S.P.I.A. si Marius Porceanu, detectiv particular, General Manager au sponsorizat Adunarea Generala de la Iasi in ianuarie 2019 a Patronatului Detectivilor Particulari din Romania.
PDPR sustine direct interesele membrilor sai prin asigurarea de servicii, facilitati, furnizarea de informatii si asistenta de specialitate.
Irimia George CEO si Co-fondator al Agentiei de Detectivi Particulari S.P.I.A.
S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency
Adresa: Str. Lt. Popescu Alexandru, nr. 3-11, sector 3, cod. 032577
Bucuresti - Romania
CEO si Co-fondator - Irimia George
General Manager si Co-fondator - Porceanu Marius
Telefon: +40 770 394 204
+40 722 940 948