
SPIA Detectiv participa la Conferinta W.A.D. World Association of Detectives care a avut loc intre 27-31 august 2019, la Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Stockholm, Suedia

Agentia de detectivi particulari S.C. S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency SRL din Romania este reprezentata la   
a 94a Conferinta Anuala a WAD World Association of Detectives care a avut loc intre 27-31 august 2019, la Courtyard Marriott Hotel in StockholmSuedia de catre domnul Irimia George CEO si Co-fondator S.P.I.A. si domnul Irimia Mario Costin.

Detectivi particulari din întreaga lume au participat in Stockholm la seminarii despre o varietate de probleme actuale, precum și oportunitatea de a face legătura cu colegii profesioniști pentru a discuta despre cele mai bune practici din industria investigațiilor private.

Agentia Româna de detectivi particulari S.P.I.A este membra a WAD din anul 2016 si are o foarte buna colaborare internationala cu Agentii de Detectivi Particulari din Spania, Franta, SUA, China, Italia, Japonia si nu numai.

Suntem lideri in Romania in ce priveste sectorul de investigatii private si supraveghere, compania S.P.I.A. situandu-se pe Locul 1 in Top Afaceri Romania 2019.

Suntem membri: ANDR, PDPR , IKD si  WAD.

S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency
SPIA Agentie de detectivi particulari in Romania

Irimia George
Telefon:  +40 770 394 204
E-mail: george.investigatii@gmail.com

Private detectives from all over the world attended at Stockholm to W.A.D. seminars with SPIA Detectiv Agency from Romania to talk about a variety of current issues, as well as the opportunity to connect with professional colleagues to discuss best practices in the private investigation industry.

Private Detective Agency S.C. S.P.I.A. Secret Private Investigations Agency SRL from Romania is represented at the 94th Annual Conference of the WAD World Association of Detectives, held between August 27-31, 2019, at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden by Mr. Irimia George CEO and Co-founder of SPIA and Mr. Irimia Mario Costin.

Private detectives from all over the world attended at Stockholm seminars, on a variety of current issues, as well as the opportunity to connect with professional colleagues to discuss best practices in the private investigation industry.
The Romanian Private Detective Agency S.P.I.A is a member of the WAD since 2016 and has a very good international collaboration with the Private Detective Agencies in Spain, France, USA, India, China, Japan and beyond.
We are leaders in Romania regarding the private investigation and surveillance sector, the company S.P.I.A. ranking on the 1st place in Top Business Romania 2019, Investigation activities.
We are members of the Association of Private Detectives of Romania ANDR, the Patronage of Private Detectives of Romania PDPR, I.K.D. and in WAD.

S.P.I.A. Romania

Irimia George
Phone: +40 770 394 204
E-mail: george.investigatii@gmail.com
Website: www.spiadetectiv.com

Romania Tech Nation Bucharest 2019 organized by National Council of SMEs in Romania (CNIPMMR) and BCR, an event held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis.October 8, 2019 in the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania

Irimia George and Irimia Mario Costin participate to the Romania Tech Nation Bucharest 2019 organized by National Council of SMEs in Romania...